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let s get started
咱们开始干吧  detail>>
let’s get started
让我们开始吧  detail>>
get started
发动发动机 开始创建  detail>>
get started on
开始做.... 开始做……  detail>>
get the party started
大家来跳舞 聚会开始 聚全开始 让晚会开始吧  detail>>
get the rarty started
让派对开始吧  detail>>
get the show started
揭开序幕;开始  detail>>
helme get started
使用默认的浏览器打开  detail>>
let me get it for you
让我帮你去把它弄来  detail>>
let’s get down to work
让我们开始工作吧  detail>>
let’s get drunk
醉一场  detail>>
let’s get loud
闹翻天原唱  detail>>
let’s get to know you
个人特征  detail>>
let’s get together for lunch
让我们一起吃顿午餐吧。  detail>>
to never let it get that far
去不让它永远都到那里为止  detail>>
don’t let this get you down
不要为此灰心丧气  detail>>
let me get back to you
我过一会儿打给你吧  detail>>
let the ugly story get abroad
丑事外扬  detail>>